Down to the flatlands

Here's photos from the trip, driving from Green River, Utah through Oklahoma south towards Texas. I went above 10,000 feet in Colorado down to the flat flat lands of eastern Colorado and Kansas.


Just east of Green River, Utah, I passed by these majestic cliffs that looked like heavily-fortified castles.

Colorado River

I saw landscape marked by greenery again once I hit Colorado. This is at the No Name Rest Stop alongside the Colorado River. As if on cue, my CD player started to play the song by America "A horse with no name": " I've been through the desert on a horse with no name /It felt good to be out of the rain / In the desert you can remember your name /'Cause there ain't no one for to give you no pain."


Here's a scene from the Pearl Street district in downtown Boulder. For a few hours, I enjoyed city life again.


Driving east from Denver, the countryside became flat again. Just miles and miles of flatness, and the temperatures rose above 100 degrees all throughout Kansas. The cashier at a gas station said, "It's been like this for three weeks now. We're becoming desert."

peace sign

Peace sign on a house in the neighborhood of Wichita where I spent two nights.

Wichita house

In the same neighborhood, I drove by many such once-grand houses that have been restored. 

burnt leaves

An illusion: this may look like fall but this is in the middle of the summer. Near the house above, there was a recent gas leak, perhaps of chlorine, and the leaves of this tree just dropped, dead. Wichita has some of the worst air pollution indexes, mostly from toxins spewed by industry.

Red dirt

Here I am in Oklahoma, driving alongside red earth.


As I left Oklahoma, I passed by this new casino by the side of I-35 South.


God has billboards in Oklahoma!


From the Gulf to the Canadian border

1 Comment

  1. Erika

    WOW… This photo of the moutainside in Utah is stunning. I’ve heard, but nevver seen. I admire you for making this trek.

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